Sponsor info
Dear curious visitor
Dear supporter or sympathiser
Dear (future) partner

About the origin, the history and our future plans you have already found a lot of information on the other webpages. We also recommend the texts and articles about the achievments, results and experiences of our players.
In a supporting and coordinating role , the newly assembled board of Amp Football beglium wants to push the sport to the bigger public. As well on local, provincial, national and international level we have made great steps.
The further development of our association is our next goal. With a clear vision and with a lot of enthousiasm we want to introduce everybody to our new operation and our teams.
To make this come true, we count on the support of a lot of government- and sportsinitiatives and also on your, your company's or your network's logistical/financial support.
Besides a few already existing co-operation agreements and intentions with a few Pro-League-teams we hope that we can soon welcome new clubs as partner. It goes without saying that we don't want to miss such an opportunity
Naturally we also want to convince our story to companies no matter the size. Visibility, media-attention, social involvement and networking are only a few of the big advantages that will justify an investment. Besides a certain financial return you will gather a huge amount of respect and new doors will certainly open commercially.
As an association we worked out a few sponsor formulas. Something for everyone, within everyone's limits.
Besides the GOLDEN, SILVER and BRONZE FORMULA there exist a number of financial or other possibilities to support/sponsor our teams and/or operation.
We gladly answer your question and discuss how we can mutually benefit of our cooperation.
Please feel free to contact us with this reply form or contact us directly through our head of P.R. , press and communication:
Yves Guillemyn
0498 866 739
e-mail address : ampfootballbelgium@hotmail.com