Become a sponsor
As a private individual you can donate to us through our account number BE 65731030712696
Do you want to support Amp Football Belgium vzw as a company .
We mainly work with several sponsor packets,
But don't hesitate to contact us for a proposal that fits your preferences.
For more details or to make an appointment with our team, please contact us by mail via
A small effort for you makes a huge difference for us
With every order on Trooper you support Amp Football Belgium vzw.
Without any hassle you can donate to us a certain sum. You might not feel it in your pockets but we certainly do.
How does it work? Click on this link and follow the guidelines.

Set up your own initiative !
have you always wanted to organise something, then this is your chance.
Set up a solid initiative in favor of Amp Footbnall Belgium vzw.
Every little bit helps.

Amp Football Belgium vzw is also a member of :